Response Timeout <timeout>
Indicates time (in ms) that the a client will wait for a response before failing.
Parent |
Type |
Smart Flow REST Application <rest> | RestServerAppType |
Nudm_SDM <nudm_sdm> | Rest5GAppType |
Nudm_UECM <nudm_uecm> | Rest5GAppType |
Nudm_UEAU <nudm_ueau> | Rest5GAppType |
Udm Parameter Provisioning <nudm_pp> | NudmPPRest5GAppType |
Udm NIDD Authorization <nudm_niddau> | NudmNIDDAURest5GAppType |
Udm Event Exposure <nudm_event_exposure> | UdmEventExpRest5GAppType |
Namf Event Exposure <namf_event_exposure> | NamfEventExpRest5GAppType |
Udm Service Specific Authorization <nudm_ssau> | Rest5GAppType |
Nnrf_NFM Client <nnrf_nfm> | NrfNfmAppType |
Nudr Data Repository <nudr_dr> | Rest5GAppType |
Nnrf_NFM <nnrf_nfm> | NrfNfmAppType |
Nnrf_DISC <nnrf_disc> | NrfAppType |
Nnrf_OAUTH2 <nnrf_oauth2> | NrfAppType |
N5g_eir Client <n5g_eir> | Rest5GAppType |
Nchf Converged Charging <nchf_convergedcharging> | Rest5GAppType |
Namf Location <namf_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Ngmlc Location <ngmlc_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Terminal Status Rest Application <rest_terminalStatus> | RESTfulApiType |
Messaging REST Application <rest_messaging> | REST_MessagingType |
Presence REST Application <rest_presence> | REST_PresenceType |
Nu REST Application <nu> | REST_NuType |
Nsmf PDU Session <nsmf_pdu_session> | NsmfPduSessionRest5GAppType |
Namf Communication Service <namf_comm> | NamfCommRest5GAppType |
Nudm SDM <nudm_sdm> | Rest5GAppType |
Npcf SM Policy Control <npcf_sm_policy_control> | Rest5GAppType |
Nsmf Event Exposure <nsmf_event_exposure> | NsmfEventExpRest5GAppType |
Nnwdaf-Analytics-Info <nnwdaf_analytics_info> | NwdafAnalyticsInfoRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nnef_pfd_mgmt> | Rest5GAppType |
Nnrf_OAUTH2 <nnrf_oauth2> | Rest5GAppType |
Implements the Nnef SM Context Service <nnef_sm_context> | NnefSmContextRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nsmf_nidd> | Rest5GAppType |
Nausf Auth <nausf_auth> | NausfAuthRest5GAppType |
Nudm SDM <nudm_sdm> | NudmSdmRest5GAppType |
Nudm UECM <nudm_uecm> | NudmUecmRest5GAppType |
Namf Communication Service <namf_comm> | NamfCommRest5GAppType |
Nlmf Location <nlmf_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Nlmf Broadcast <nlmf_broadcast> | Rest5GAppType |
Nsmsf SM Service <nsmsf_sm_service> | Rest5GAppType |
Namf MT Service <namf_mt> | Rest5GAppType |
Nssf NS Selection Service <nnssf_ns_selection> | Rest5GAppType |
Nssf NSSAI Availability Service <nnssf_nssai_availability> | Rest5GAppType |
Npcf-AM-Policy-Control <npcf_am_policy_control> | Rest5GAppType |
Npcf-UE-Policy-Control <npcf_ue_policy_control> | Rest5GAppType |
Namf Location <namf_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Ngmlc Location <ngmlc_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Nnrf_DISC <nnrf_disc> | Rest5GAppType |
Nausf Auth <nausf_auth> | Rest5GAppType |
Nudm UEAU <nudm_ueau> | Rest5GAppType |
Npcf-SM-Policy-Control <npcf_sm_policy_control> | Rest5GAppType |
Npcf-BDT-Policy-Control <npcf_bdt_policy_control> | PcfBdtpcRest5GAppType |
Npcf-Policy-Authorization <npcf_policyauthorization> | PcfPaRest5GAppType |
Npcf Event Exposure <npcf_event_exposure> | NpcfEventExpRest5GAppType |
Nchf Spending Limit Control <nchf_spendinglimitcontrol> | Rest5GAppType |
Nwdaf Events Sub <nnwdaf_events_sub> | NwdafEventsSubRest5GAppType |
Nbsf-Management <nbsf_management> | BsfMgmtRest5GAppType |
Nlmf Location <nlmf_location> | Rest5GAppType |
Nlmf Broadcast <nlmf_broadcast> | Rest5GAppType |
Namf Communication Service <namf_comm> | Rest5GAppType |
Nudm UECM <nudm_uecm> | Rest5GAppType |
Nssf NS Selection Service <nnssf_ns_selection> | NSSFRest5GAppType |
Nef Event Exposure <nnef_event_exposure> | NefEventExpRest5GAppType |
Udm SDM <nudm_sdm> | NudmSdmRest5GAppType |
Nudr Data Repository <nudr_dr> | UdrDrRest5GAppType |
Nnef-Analytics-Exposure <nnef_analytics_exposure> | NefAnalyticsExpRest5GAppType |
Nnef-As-Session-With-Qos <nnef_as_session_with_qos> | Rest5GAppType |
Nnef-Traffic-Influence <nnef_traffic_influence> | NefTrafficInfluenceRest5GAppType |
Nnef-Pfd-Mgmt <nnef_pfd_mgmt> | NefPfdMgmtRest5GAppType |
3gpp-Pfd-Mgmt <nnef_3gpp_pfd_mgmt> | Nef3gppPfdMgmtRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nnef_3gpp_chargeable_party> | Rest5GAppType |
Nef 3gpp Monitoring Event <nnef_3gpp_monitoring_event> | Nef3gppMonEventRest5GAppType |
3gpp-bdt <nnef_3gpp_bdt> | NefBdtpNegRest5GAppType |
3gpp-applying-bdt-policy <nnef_3gpp_applying_bdt_policy> | NefApplyBdtPolicyRest5GAppType |
3gpp-service-parameter <nnef_3gpp_service_parameter> | NefServiceParameterRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nnef_3gpp_racs_pp> | Rest5GAppType |
3gpp-nidd <nnef_3gpp_nidd> | NefNiddConfigurationRest5GAppType |
3gpp-msisdn-less-mo-sms <nnef_3gpp_msisdn_less_mo_sms> | NefMsisdnLessMoSmsRest5GAppType |
3gpp-5glan-pp <nnef_3gpp_5glan_parm_prov> | Nef3gpp5glanParmProvRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nucmf_provisioning> | Rest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nsepp_telescopic> | SeppTelescopicRest5GAppType |
5GC Application <nsepp_n32Handshake> | SeppN32HandshakeRest5GAppType |
Pki-Mgmt <pki_mgmt> | PkiMgmtRest5GAppType |
5GC Application Response <nnrf_nfm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Server side SmartFlow RESTfulApi Response Structure <rest> | RestServerAppResponseType |
Nudm_SDM <nudm_sdm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nudm_UECM <nudm_uecm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nudm_UEAU <nudm_ueau> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nudm_PP <nudm_pp> | UdmPPRest5GResponseType |
Nudm_NIDDAU <nudm_niddau> | UdmNIDDAURest5GResponseType |
Udm Event Exposure Service <nudm_event_exposure> | UdmEventExpRest5GResponseType |
Namf Event Exposure Service <namf_event_exposure> | NamfEventExpRest5GResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nudm_ssau> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nudr Data Repository <nudr_dr> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nnrf_NFM <nnrf_nfm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nnrf_DISC <nnrf_disc> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nnrf_OAUTH2 <nnrf_oauth2> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
N5g EIR <n5g_eir> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nchf Converged Charging <nchf_convergedcharging> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <namf_location> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <ngmlc_location> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Terminal Status RESTfulApi Response Structure <rest_terminalStatus> | REST_TerminalStatusResponseType |
Messaging RESTfulApi Response Structure <rest_messaging> | REST_MessagingResponseType |
Presence RESTfulApi Response Structure <rest_presence> | REST_PresenceResponseType |
Nu REST Response Structure <nu> | REST_NuResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nsmf_pdu_session> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <namf_comm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nudm_sdm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nudm_uecm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <npcf_sm_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nsmf Event Exposure Service <nsmf_event_exposure> | NsmfEventExpRest5GResponseType |
Nnwdaf Analytics Info Service <nnwdaf_analytics_info> | NwdafAnalyticsInfoRest5GResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nnef_pfd_mgmt> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Implements the Nnef SM Context Service <nnef_sm_context> | NnefSmContextRest5GResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nsmf_nidd> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nausf_auth> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nlmf_location> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nlmf_broadcast> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nsmsf_sm_service> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <namf_mt> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nnssf_ns_selection> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nnssf_nssai_availability> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <npcf_am_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <npcf_ue_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <n5g_eir> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nudm_ueau> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Npcf-SM-Policy-Control <npcf_sm_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Npcf-AM-Policy-Control <npcf_am_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Npcf-BDT-Policy-Control <npcf_bdt_policy_control> | PcfBdtpcRest5GResponseType |
Npcf-UE-Policy-Control <npcf_ue_policy_control> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Npcf-Policy-Authorization <npcf_policyauthorization> | PcfPaRest5GResponseType |
Npcf Event Exposure Service <npcf_event_exposure> | NpcfEventExpRest5GResponseType |
Nchf Spending Limit Control <nchf_spendinglimitcontrol> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nnwdaf Events Sub Service <nnwdaf_events_sub> | NwdafEventsSubRest5GResponseType |
Namf Communication Service <namf_comm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nbsf-Management <nbsf_management> | BsfMgmtRest5GResponseType |
Nef Event Exposure Service <nnef_event_exposure> | NefEventExpRest5GResponseType |
Nudm_niddau <nudm_niddau> | UdmNIDDAURest5GResponseType |
Nudm SDM <nudm_sdm> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nudr Data Repository <nudr_dr> | UdrDrRest5GResponseType |
Nnef-Analytics-Exposure <nnef_analytics_exposure> | NefAnalyticsExpRest5GResponseType |
Nnef-As-Session-With-Qos <nnef_as_session_with_qos> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nnef Traffic Influence Service <nnef_traffic_influence> | NefTrafficInfluenceRest5GResponseType |
Nnef Pfd Mgmt Service <nnef_pfd_mgmt> | NefPfdMgmtRest5GResponseType |
3gpp Pfd Mgmt Service <nnef_3gpp_pfd_mgmt> | Nef3gppPfdMgmtRest5GResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nnef_3gpp_chargeable_party> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Nef 3gpp Monitoring event <nnef_3gpp_monitoring_event> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-bdt <nnef_3gpp_bdt> | NefBdtpNegRest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-applying-bdt-policy <nnef_3gpp_applying_bdt_policy> | NefApplyBdtPolicyRest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-service-parameter <nnef_3gpp_service_parameter> | NefServiceParameterRest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nnef_3gpp_racs_pp> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-nidd <nnef_3gpp_nidd> | NefNiddConfigurationRest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-msisdn-less-mo-sms <nnef_3gpp_msisdn_less_mo_sms> | NefMsisdnLessMoSmsRest5GAppResponseType |
3gpp-5glan-pp <nnef_3gpp_5glan_parm_prov> | Nef3gpp5glanParmProvRest5GAppResponseType |
5GC Application Response <nucmf_provisioning> | Rest5GAppResponseType |
Security Edge Protection Proxy Service <nsepp_telescopic> | SeppTelescopicRest5GResponseType |
Security Edge Protection Proxy Service <nsepp_n32Handshake> | SeppN32HandshakeRest5GResponseType |
Pki-Mgmt <pki_mgmt> | PkiMgmtRest5GResponseType |