SmartEvent Handler <event_handler>
Defines the conditions under which an event is trapped and specifies the action to be performed
When an event is received by the state machine, the list of event handlers is inspected for any handler with the current state that is configured to trap that event. In addition to specifying the applicable state and the event to be trapped, a handler may define an action to be performed, a transition to a new state, and/or start a timer.
SmartEventHandlerTypeATTRIBUTES |
start_point | string |
end_point | string |
height | string |
Child |
Occurrences |
Type |
Test Notes <notes> | 0 .. 1 | testNotes |
Current State <current_state> | 1 .. 1 | string |
Transaction Start Event <transaction_start> | 0 .. 10 | emptyType |
Transaction End Event <transaction_end> | 0 .. 10 | emptyType |
Event Delivered <event_delivered> | 0 .. 10 | emptyType |
Event Received <event_received> | 0 .. 10 | SmartEventType |
Smart Control Event <external_event_received> | 0 .. 10 | SmartControlEventType |
Message Received <message_received> | 0 .. 10 | nameType |
Timeout Event <timeout> | 0 .. 10 | emptyType |
Error Event <error> | 0 .. 10 | emptyType |
SmartExtract <extractAVP> | 0 .. 10 | ExtractSmartAvpType |
Source Node <source_node> | 0 .. 1 | nameType |
Probabililty (of execution) <probability> | 0 .. 1 | float |
Smart Conditional <condition> | 0 .. 1 | SmartConditionalType |
Increment User Counter <increment> | 0 .. 1 | nameType |
Decrement User Counter <decrement> | 0 .. 1 | nameType |
Mark Start Time <mark> | 0 .. 1 | nameType |
Accumulate Duration <accumulate> | 0 .. 1 | nameType |
Capture Next Event <capture> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Release (Captured) Event <release> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Reset Pending <reset_pending> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Fail <fail> | 0 .. 1 | SmartEventFailType |
Reset <reset> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Smart Modify <modify> | 0 .. 1 | SmartModifyType |
SmartEvent Actions <actions> | 0 .. 1 | SmartEventActionsType |
Action <action> | 0 .. 1 | NodeSmartActionType |
Global Action <node_action> | 0 .. 1 | GlobalActionType |
Smart Control Action <external_action> | 0 .. 1 | SmartControlActionType |
Transaction Complete Action <transaction_complete> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Transaction Failed Action <transaction_failed> | 0 .. 1 | emptyType |
Next State <next_state> | 0 .. 1 | string |
Start Timer <timer> | 0 .. 1 | dynamicTimerType |