Interface Name <name>
Defines the name by which interface is identified
element namePARENT ELEMENTS |
Parent |
Type |
Socket Interface <interface> | SocketInterface |
Socket Interface <socket> | SocketInterface |
REST Interface <rest_interface> | restSocketInterfaceType |
Media Sub Component <media_sub_component> | mediaSubComponentType |
Predefined PCC Rules <predefined_pcc_rules> | pdpRuleType |
Default Bearer Configuration Data <default_bearer> | defaultBearerType |
Static PCC Rules <static_pcc_rules> | ruleType |
Predefined PCC Rules <predefined_pcc_rules> | ruleType |
QoS Enforcement Rule <qos_enforcement_rule> | QosEnforcementRuleType |
Forwarding Action Rule <forwarding_action_rule> | ForwardingActionRuleType |
Usage Reporting Rule <usage_reporting_rule> | UsageReportingRuleType |
Default Bearer Configuration Data <default_bearer> | fiveGDefaultBearerType |
Static PCC Rules <static_pcc_rules> | pduRuleType |
Predefined PCC Rules <predefined_pcc_rules> | pduRuleType |
Buffering Action Rule <buffering_action_rule> | BufferingActionRuleType |
Localized Service Area Information <lsa_information> | lsaInfoType |
Subscription Profile <subscription_profile> | SubscriptionProfileType |
IPSec Client Data <ipsec_data> | IpsecClientDataType |
Tag Presence <tag> | LdapTagPresenceType |
AVP Presence, with Definition <tag_def> | LdapTagDefinitionPresenceType |
Tag Definition <tag> | LdapDefinitionTagType |
Ldap Message Definition <message> | LdapMessageType |
GTP-U Data Message <gtpuPDU> | GtpV1UMsgType |
GTP-U Data Message <gtpuPDU> | GtpV2UMsgType |
Global Action <node_action> | GlobalActionType |
SmartEvents State Machine <SmartEvents> | SmartEventsType |
SPR Action <action> | sprActionType |
SCCP Interface <sccp_interface> | SccpInterface |
GTP Interface <gtp_interface> | gtpInterfaceType |
SCTP Interface <interface> | SctpInterface |
Control Socket <interface> | s1apMmeInterface |
IPSec ServerData <ipsec_data> | IpsecServerDataType |
Control Socket <interface> | m3apMmeInterface |
SCTP Interface <interface> | SctpServerInterface |
Radius Interface <radius> | RadiusServerInterfaceType |
Radius Interface <radius> | RadiusInterfaceType |
Radius Server-Client Interface <radius_server_client> | RadiusInterfaceType |
Control Socket <interface> | s1apInterface |
Control Socket <interface> | m3apInterface |
REST Interface <rest_interface> | restSocketInterfaceType |
NWU Interface <interface> | nwuInterface |
HTTP Interface <interface> | serverHttpInterface |
PFCP Interface <pfcp_interface> | pfcpInterfaceType |
NGAP Interface <interface> | ngapInterface |
REST Interface <secondary_rest_interface> | restSocketInterfaceType |
N32-f Interface on the SEPP Node <n32f_interface> | n32fInterfaceType |
Smart Action Command <SmartAction> | SmartActionType |
REST Interface <rest_interface> | restSocketInterfaceCommand |
Subscription Command Data <subscription_profile> | SubscriptionProfileCommandType |
SmartEvents State Machine <SmartEvents> | SmartEventsCommandType |
SOAP Message Flow Commands <SmartFlow_soap> | SoapSmartFlowCommandType |
Bearer Rule <rule> | ruleType |
NRF Action <action> | nrfActionType |
HLR Action <action> | hlrActionType |
SGSN Action <action> | sgsnActionType |
HSS Action <action> | hssActionType |
MME Action <action> | mmeActionType |
VLR/MSC Action <action> | vlrActionType |
BBERF Action <action> | bberfActionType |
PCEF Action <action> | pcefActionType |
TDF Action <action> | tdfActionType |
PCRF Action <action> | pcrfActionType |
OCS Action <action> | ocsActionType |
OFCS Action <action> | ofcsActionType |
CDF Action <action> | cdfActionType |
CTF Action <action> | ctfActionType |
GGSN Action <action> | ggsnActionType |
GMSC Action <action> | gmscActionType |
GMLC Action <action> | gmlcActionType |
gsmSCF Action <action> | gsmSCFActionType |
CSCF Action <action> | cscfActionType |
AAA Action <action> | aaaActionType |
AGW Action <action> | agwActionType |
EPDG Action <action> | epdgActionType |
IP Server Action <action> | ipsActionType |
AS Action <action> | asActionType |
GTP Node Action <action> | gtpNodeActionType |
SMLC Action <action> | smlcActionType |
E-NodeB Action <action> | enbActionType |
Radio Network Controller (RNC) Action <action> | rncActionType |
DHCP Relay Agent Action <action> | dhcpRelayAgentActionType |
SmartWeb Node Action <action> | smartWebActionType |
SGW Action <action> | sgwActionType |
PGW Action <action> | pgwActionType |
Ud/Sp/Next Generation Client Node Action <action> | UdcClientActionType |
REST Interface <rest_interface> | serverHttpInterfaceCommand |
IP Client Action <action> | ipcActionType |
Socket Command <interface> | serverHttpInterfaceCommand |
MBMS GW Action <action> | mbmsGwActionType |
MTC IWF Action <action> | mtcIwfActionType |
SCS Action <action> | scsActionType |
SIP Server Action <action> | sipServerActionType |
SCEF Action <action> | scefActionType |
PFDF Action <action> | pfdfActionType |
ESME Action <action> | esmeActionType |
SMF Action <action> | smfActionType |
UPF Action <action> | upfActionType |
gNodeB Action <action> | gnbActionType |
AMF Action <action> | amfActionType |
N3IWF Action <action> | n3iwfActionType |
N3IWF Action <action> | n3iwfServerActionType |
AUSF Action <action> | ausfActionType |
PCF Action <action> | pcfActionType |
CHF Action <action> | chfActionType |
REST Interface <secondary_rest_interface> | restSocketInterfaceCommand |
LMF Action <action> | lmfActionType |
Broadcast-Multicast Service Centre (BM-SC) Action <action> | bmscActionType |
SMSF Action <action> | smsfActionType |
NSSF Action <action> | nssfActionType |
UDR Action <action> | udrActionType |
CBCF Action <action> | cbcfActionType |
NEF Action <action> | nefActionType |
NWDAF Action <action> | nwdafActionType |
AF Action <action> | afActionType |
UCMF Action <action> | ucmfActionType |
Binding Support Function Node Action <action> | bsfActionType |
Security Edge Protection Proxy Function Node Action <action> | seppActionType |
REST Interface <n32f_interface> | n32fInterfaceCommandType |
eSTP Action <action> | estpActionType |
EDRA Action <action> | edraActionType |
PKI MGMT NODE Action <action> | pkiMgmtNodeActionType |
SPR Action <action> | sprActionResponseType |
SPR Action Response <SmartAction> | SmartActionResponseType |
Socket Interface <interface> | SocketInterfaceResponse |
Socket Interface <socket> | SocketInterfaceResponse |
HLR Action <action> | hlrActionResponseType |
<sccp_interface> | sccpInterfaceResponseType |
SGSN Action <action> | sgsnActionResponseType |
Diameter Interface Response <diameter> | diameterResponseType |
HSS Action <action> | hssActionResponseType |
MME Action <action> | mmeActionResponseType |
Diameter Interface Response <diameter_secondary> | diameterResponseType |
VLR/MSC Action <action> | vlrActionResponseType |
BBERF Action <action> | bberfActionResponseType |
PCEF Action <action> | pcefActionResponseType |
TDF Action <action> | tdfActionResponseType |
PCRF Action <action> | pcrfActionResponseType |
OCS Action <action> | ocsActionResponseType |
OFCS Action <action> | ofcsActionResponseType |
CDF Action <action> | cdfActionResponseType |
CTF Action <action> | ctfActionResponseType |
GGSN Action <action> | ggsnActionResponseType |
GMSC Action <action> | gmscActionResponseType |
GMLC Action <action> | gmlcActionResponseType |
gsmSCF Action <action> | gsmSCFActionResponseType |
CSCF Action <action> | cscfActionResponseType |
AAA Action <action> | aaaActionResponseType |
Radius Interface <radius> | RadiusServerInterfaceResponseType |
AS Action <action> | asActionResponseType |
AGW Action <action> | agwActionResponseType |
Radius Interface Response <radius> | RadiusInterfaceResponseType |
Radius Interface Response <radius_server_client> | RadiusInterfaceResponseType |
EPDG Action <action> | epdgActionResponseType |
GTP Node Action <action> | gtpNodeActionResponseType |
SMLC Action <action> | smlcActionResponseType |
E-NodeB Action <action> | enbActionResponseType |
Radio Network Controller (RNC) Action <action> | rncActionResponseType |
DHCP Relay Agent Action <action> | dhcpRelayAgentActionResponseType |
DHCP Server Action <action> | dhcpServerActionResponseType |
SmartWeb Node Action <action> | smartWebActionResponseType |
SGW Action <action> | sgwActionResponseType |
Ud/Sp/Next Generation Client Node Action <action> | UdcClientActionResponseType |
IP Server Action <action> | ipsActionResponseType |
IP Client Action <action> | ipcActionResponseType |
MTC IWF Action <action> | mtcIwfActionResponseType |
SCS Action <action> | scsActionResponseType |
SCEF Action <action> | scefActionResponseType |
PFDF Action <action> | pfdfActionResponseType |
ESME Action <action> | esmeActionResponseType |
gNodeB Action <action> | gnbActionResponseType |
AMF Action <action> | amfActionResponseType |
N3IWF Action <action> | n3iwfActionResponseType |
AUSF Action <action> | ausfActionResponseType |
PCF Action <action> | pcfActionResponseType |
CHF Action <action> | chfActionResponseType |
LMF Action <action> | lmfActionResponseType |
Broadcast-Multicast Service Centre (BM-SC) Action <action> | bmscActionResponseType |
SMSF Action <action> | smsfActionResponseType |
NSSF Action <action> | nssfActionResponseType |
UDR Action <action> | udrActionResponseType |
CBCF Action <action> | cbcfActionResponseType |
NEF Action <action> | nefActionResponseType |
NWDAF Action <action> | nwdafActionResponseType |
AF Action <action> | afActionResponseType |
UCMF Action <action> | ucmfActionResponseType |
Binding Support Function Node Action <action> | bsfActionResponseType |
N3IWF Action <action> | n3iwfServerActionResponseType |
Security Edge Protection Proxy Function Node Action <action> | seppActionResponseType |
eSTP Action <action> | estpActionResponseType |
EDRA Action <action> | edraActionResponseType |
IE Presence <ie> | s1IePresenceType |
IE Definition <ie> | s1IeDefinitionType |
Initiating Message <initiating_message> | s1apMessageType |
Successful Outcome <successful_outcome> | s1apMessageType |
UnSuccessful Outcome <unsuccessful_outcome> | s1apMessageType |
<procedure> | s1apPDU-Description |
IE Presence <ie> | MapIePresenceType |
IE Definition <ie> | MapIeDefinitionType |
Initiating Message <initiating_message> | MapapMessageType |
Successful Outcome <successful_outcome> | MapapMessageType |
UnSuccessful Outcome <unsuccessful_outcome> | MapapMessageType |
<operation> | MapapPDU-Description |
IE Presence <ie> | m3IePresenceType |
IE Definition <ie> | m3IeDefinitionType |
Initiating Message <initiating_message> | m3apMessageType |
Successful Outcome <successful_outcome> | m3apMessageType |
UnSuccessful Outcome <unsuccessful_outcome> | m3apMessageType |
<procedure> | m3apPDU-Description |
IE Presence <ie> | ngapIePresenceType |
IE Definition <ie> | ngapIeDefinitionType |
Initiating Message <initiating_message> | ngapapMessageType |
Successful Outcome <successful_outcome> | ngapapMessageType |
UnSuccessful Outcome <unsuccessful_outcome> | ngapapMessageType |
<procedure> | ngapapPDU-Description |