Dynamic Information <dynamic_information>
Defines the starting values for a group of subscribers.
DynamicSubscriberInformationTypeCHILD ELEMENTS |
Child |
Occurrences |
Type |
Usage |
Radio Access Technology Type <rat_type> | 0 .. 1 | dsRatTypeType | |
Sequence Number <sqn> | 0 .. 1 | sqnType | |
Client Sequence Number <sqn_client> | 0 .. 1 | sqnType | |
SGSN IP Address <sgsn_address> | 0 .. 1 | ipAddressType | Gx, Gxx, Gx, Gx, S9, s9 |
SGSN Number <sgsn_number> | 0 .. 1 | IsdnType | Gr, D, Hv |
VLR Number <vlr_number> | 0 .. 1 | IsdnType | Gr, Hv |
Roaming Number <roaming_number> | 0 .. 1 | IsdnType | |
MSC Number <msc_number> | 0 .. 1 | IsdnType | |
MME Group Id (MMEGI) <mme_group_id> | 0 .. 1 | uint16Type | S1 |
MME Identity <mme_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | S6a/d, S6, S7 |
VLR MME Identity <vlr_mme_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | SGs |
AAA Identity <aaa_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | (S)Wx |
SCSCF Identity <scscf_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | |
S-CSCF SIP Server Name <scscf_sip_uri> | 0 .. 1 | string | |
Application Server Identity <as_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | |
Provide Subscriber ID as MSISDN to Application Server <as_id_sub_msisdn> | 0 .. 1 | flagType | |
IMS HSS Identity <ims_hss_identity> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | |
Destination Realm <destination_realm> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | SLg, SLh, Rx, S6, S7, SWa, STa, SWm, S6b, G |
VPLMN <vplmn> | 0 .. 1 | vplmnType | Gx, Gx, Gxx, Sd, Sd, S9, S9, Cx, S6, STa, SWm, SWx, S6b, SWx |
LAC <lac> | 0 .. 1 | dsLAC | |
RAC <rac> | 0 .. 1 | dsRAC | |
TAC <tac> | 0 .. 1 | dsTAC | |
Enhanced Cell ID <eci> | 0 .. 1 | dsECI | |
Cell ID <cell_id> | 0 .. 1 | dsCellID | |
Service Area Code <sac> | 0 .. 1 | dsInt | Gx, S9 |
AMF ID <amf_id> | 0 .. 1 | dsInt | |
AMF Identity <amf_identity> | 0 .. 1 | NfInstanceId | |
Homogeneous Support of IMS Voice Over PS Sessions <homogeneous_ims_voice> | 0 .. 1 | supportedStatusType | S6, S6 |
Visited Network <ims_visited_network> | 0 .. 1 | FQDNwClear | Cx, S6, STa, SWm, SWx, S6b, SWx |
Nr Cell ID <nr_cell_id> | 0 .. 1 | dsNrCellID | |
SMS Destination Address <sms_dest_address> | 0 .. 1 | IsdnType |
Parent |
Type |
Subscriber Group <subscriber_group> | SubscriberGroupType |
Subscriber Group <subscriber_group> | SubscriberGroupCommandType |