MME Events  <event> 

Events which an MME can initiate


auth Received Send Auth Info Result gr Gr
attach Initiate a Send Auth Info, followed by a Update GPRS Location gr Gr
purge Initiate a Purge Request gr Gr
failure_report Initiate an Authentication Failure Report gr Gr
update Initiate a Location Update from the application gr Gr
ready_for_sms Initiate a Ready For SMS from the Gr application gr Gr
auth Initiate a Send Auth Info from the Gr/S6 application s6 S6
attach Initiate a Send Auth Info, followed by a Update GPRS Location from the Gr/S6 application s6 S6
purge Initiate a Purge Request from the Gr/S6 application s6 S6
attach_notify Initiate an Attach, followed by an Notify Request from the S6 application s6 S6
notify Initiate a Notify Request from the S6 application. The notify_type element may be used to specific further specifics about the notify s6 S6
update Initiate a Location Update from the application s6 S6
check Initiate a Check Equipment from the Gf application gf Gf
check Initiate a Check Equipment from the S13 application s13 S13
update Initiate a Update Location Request from the SGs application sgs SGs
ue_activity Initiate a UE Activity from the SGs application sgs SGs
imsi_detach Initiate a IMSI Detach from the SGs application sgs SGs
eps_detach Initiate a EPS Detach from the SGs application sgs SGs
send_sms Initiate a MO Deliver SM from the SGs application sgs SGs
service_request Initiate a Service Request the SGs application sgs SGs
csfb_indication Initiate a MO CSFB Indication the SGs application sgs SGs
reset Initiate a Reset from the SGs application sgs SGs
location_request_geographic Initiate a Location Estimate from the SLs application sls SLs
location_request_assistance Initiate Location Assistance request from the SLs application sls SLs
reset_request Initiate a Reset Request from the SLs application sls SLs
lpp_provide_capabilities Initiate an LPP Provide Capabilities Message sls SLs
lpp_request_assistance Initiate an LPP Request Assistance Message sls SLs
lpp_provide_location Initiate an LPP Provide Location Message sls SLs
location_report Initiate a Location Report Request slg SLg
mo_fwd_short_msg Initiate a MO Forward Short Message Request sgd SGd
alert_svc_centre Initiate a Alert Service Centre Request sgd SGd
create_default Create a default bearer s11 S11
delete_default Delete a default bearer s11 S11
add_rule Adds a rule that could result in the creation of or the update of a dedicated bearer s11 S11
qos_mod HSS initiated QOS modification s11 S11
release_bearers Releases Access Bearers without taking the session down. s11 S11
delete_dedicated Delete a dedicated bearer s11 S11
x2_handover_enodeb Perform UE Handover s11 S11
x2_handover_sgw Perform X2 based UE Handover with SGW relocation s11 S11
s1_handover_sgw Perform S1 based UE Handover with SGW relocation s11 S11
s1_handover_mme Perform S1 based UE Handover with MME relocation s11 S11
change_notification Notify network of Location Change s11 S11
remote_ue_connect Initiate sending of Remote UE REport Notification w/ Connect indication s11 S11
remote_ue_disconnect Initiate sending of Remote UE REport Notification w/ Disconnect indication s11 S11
create_indirect_tunnel Initiate sending of Create Indirect Tunnel Request s11 S11
delete_indirect_tunnel Initiate sending of Delete Indirect Tunnel Request s11 S11
attach_reject Sends an Attach Reject to the eNB. s1 S1
attach_without_pdn Initiate an UE Attach Without PDN. s1 S1
detach Initiate an MME Initiated Deatech Request for a UE. s1 S1
paging Initiate a PS Paging Request for a UE. s1 S1
paging_cs Initiate a CS Paging Request for a UE. s1 S1
ue_context_release Initiate a UE Context Release Command toward the eNB. s1 S1
ue_context_release_detach Initiate a UE Context Release Command with cause of Detach toward the eNB. s1 S1
add_rule Adds a rule that could result in the creation of or the update of a dedicated bearer s1 S1
create_default Create a default bearer s1 S1
delete_default Delete a default bearer s1 S1
delete_default_insufficient_resources Delete a default bearer with an ESM cause #26 (Insufficient Resources) s1 S1
delete_dedicated Requests a network initiated delete Dedicated Bearer. s1 S1
emm_information Initiate an EMM Information Request to a UE. s1 S1
guti_realloc Initiate a GUTI Reallocation procedure to a UE. s1 S1
handover_command Signals the completion of a handover. This event is used to notify the MME to complete the handover procedure with the source eNB node. This is used to coordinate the handover with non eNB nodes like an S3 handover to an RNC. s1 S1
lpp_request_capabilities Initiate a Request Capabilities Message from the S1/LPP application s1 S1
lpp_provide_assistance Initiate a Provide Assistance Message from the S1/LPP application s1 S1
lpp_request_location Initiate a Request Location Data Message from the S1/LPP application s1 S1
lpp_request_location_agnss Initiate an LPP Request Location Message with a request for a-gnss data. s1 S1
lpp_request_location_otdoa Initiate an LPP Request Location Message with a request for OTDOA data. s1 S1
lpp_request_location_ecid Initiate an LPP Request Location Message with a request for E-CID data. s1 S1
lppa_request_location Initiate a Request Location Data Message from the S1/LPP/LPPa application s1 S1
lppa_request_location_otdoa Initiate a Request Location OTDOA Data Message from the S1/LPP/LPPa application s1 S1
send_sms Sends and SMS message from the network to UE. s1 S1
mme_configuration_transfer Sends an MME Configuration Transfer to the eNB. s1 S1
mme_configuration_update Sends an MME Configuration Update to the eNB. s1 S1
mme_direct_information_transfer Sends an MME Direct Information Transfer to the eNB. s1 S1
cs_service_notification Sends a CS Service Notification message to the eNB. s1 S1
attach_reject_congestion Can be used to issue an Attach Reject message to the eNB with timer value t3346 to indicate that congestion is occuring. This event can only be used when the attach request has been captured. s1 S1
service_reject_congestion Can be used to issue a Service Reject message to the eNB with timer value t3346 to indicate that congestion is occuring. This event can only be used when the service request has been captured. s1 S1
tau_reject_congestion Can be used to issue a TAU Reject message to the eNB with timer value t3346 to indicate that congestion is occuring. This event can only be used when the TAU has been captured. s1 S1
esm_information_request Sends an ESM Information Request message to the eNB. s1 S1
trace_start Sends an Trace Start message to the eNB. s1 S1
deactivate_trace Sends a Deactivate Trace to the eNB. s1 S1
write_replace_warning Sends a Write-Replace Warning message to the eNB. s1 S1
identification_req Sends an Identification Request to the eNB. s1 S1
ue_radio_capability_match Sends an UE Radio Capability Match to the eNB. s1 S1
kill Sends a Kill Message to the eNB. s1 S1
reset Reset parts of a S1 Interface s1 S1
reset_all Reset all of a S1 Interface s1 S1
start MBMS Start m3 M3
stop MBMS Stop m3 M3
update MBMS Configuration Update m3 M3
reset MBMS Reset m3 M3
reset_all MBMS Reset All m3 M3
query Initiate an DNS Query dns N/A
validate_success Answer validation succeeded dns N/A
validate_failed Answer validation failed dns N/A
protocol_failed DNS Query failed dns N/A
identification Identification Request s3 S3
context Context Request s3 S3
context_ack Context Ack s3 S3
fwd_reloc Forward Relocation Request s3 S3
fwd_reloc_cmpl Forward Relocation Complete Notification s3 S3
reloc_cncl Relocation Cancel Request s3 S3
detach Detach Notification s3 S3
paging_ind CS Paging Indication s3 S3
alert_mme_notif Alert MME Notification s3 S3
alert_mme_ack Alert MME Acknowledge s3 S3
ue_activity_notif UE Activity Notification s3 S3
ue_activity_ack UE Activity Acknowledge s3 S3
isr_status_indication ISR Status Indication s3 S3
suspend_notif Suspend Notification s3 S3
suspend_ack Suspend Acknowledge s3 S3
ps_to_cs_request PS_TO_CS Request sv Sv
ps_to_cs_response PS_TO_CS Response sv Sv
ps_to_cs_complete_notification PS_TO_CS_Complete Notification sv Sv
ps_to_cs_complete_acknowledge PS_TO_CS_Complete Acknowledge sv Sv
ps_to_cs_cancel_notification PS_TO_CS_Cancel Notification sv Sv
ps_to_cs_cancel_acknowledge PS_TO_CS_Cancel Acknowledge sv Sv
cs_to_ps_request CS_TO_PS Request sv Sv
cs_to_ps_response CS_TO_PS Response sv Sv
cs_to_ps_complete_notification CS_TO_PS_Complete Notification sv Sv
cs_to_ps_complete_acknowledge CS_TO_PS_Complete Acknowledge sv Sv
cs_to_ps_cancel_notification CS_TO_PS_Cancel Notification sv Sv
cs_to_ps_cancel_acknowledge CS_TO_PS_Cancel Acknowledge sv Sv
identification Identification Request n26 N26
context Context Request/Response n26 N26
context_ack Context Ack n26 N26
fwd_reloc Forward Relocation Request n26 N26
fwd_reloc_cmpl Forward Relocation Complete Notification n26 N26
reloc_cncl Relocation Cancel Request n26 N26
handover Perform 5GS to EPS Handover n26 N26
report_info Initiate a Reporting Information Request via T6 application t6 T6
mo_data Initiate a MO Data Request via T6 application t6 T6
connect_mgmt Initiate a Connection Management Request via T6 application, for connection establishment t6 T6
connect_mgmt_release Initiate a Connection Management Request via T6 application, for connection release t6 T6
connect_mgmt_update Initiate a Connection Management Request via T6 application, for connection update t6 T6
none Stops the referenced node action. Note: Application (app::xxx) should never be used with event::none in a node-specific command. N/A




MME Action <action> mmeActionType
MME Action <action> mmeActionResponseType