REST Interface  <rest_interface> 

Defines the connection used to send/receive HTTP messages


name string
count variableU32
native flagType
idle_disconnect uint32Type
interface_count uint8Type





TLS Config/Enable <tls> 0 .. 1 tlsConfigType
Source Port <sport> 0 .. 1 dsInt
Protocol <protocol> 0 .. 1 userDataProtocol
IP Address <ip_address> 0 .. 1 ipAddressType
Local Interface <local_interface> 0 .. 1 string
Auto Reconnect <auto_reconnect> 0 .. 1 flagType
Allow Overrun <allow_overrun> 0 .. 1 flagType
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) <dscp> 0 .. 1 uint6Type
Disable Transport Checksum Validation <ignore_checksum> 0 .. 1 flagType
 <status> 0 .. 1 string
Query Socket OM <om> 0 .. 1 omCommandType
Query IP layer OM <ip_om> 0 .. 1 omCommandType



SPR Node Command <spr> sprCommandType
NRF Node Command <nrf> nrfCommandType
EIR Node Command <eir> eirCommandType
CTF Node Command <ctf> ctfCommandType
GMLC Node Command <gmlc> gmlcCommandType
AS Node Command <as> asCommandType
SCEF Node Command <scef> scefCommandType
PFDF Node Command <pfdf> pfdfCommandType
SMF Command <smf> smfCommandType
AMF Node Command <amf> amfCommandType
AUSF Node Command <ausf> ausfCommandType
PCF Node Command <pcf> pcfCommandType
CHF Node Command <chf> chfCommandType
LMF Node Command <lmf> lmfCommandType
SMSF Node Command <smsf> smsfCommandType
NSSF Node Command <nssf> nssfCommandType
UDR Node Command <udr> udrCommandType
CBCF Node Command <cbcf> cbcfCommandType
NEF Node Command <nef> nefCommandType
NWDAF Node Command <nwdaf> nwdafCommandType
AF Node Command <af> afCommandType
UCMF Node Command <ucmf> ucmfCommandType
Binding Support Function Node Command <bsf> bsfCommandType
Security Edge Protection Proxy Function Node Command <sepp> seppCommandType
PKI MGMT NODE Command <pkiMgmtNode> pkiMgmtNodeCommandType
SPR Node Response <spr> sprResponseType
NRF Node Response <nrf> nrfResponseType
EIR Node Response <eir> eirResponseType
CTF Node Response <ctf> ctfResponseType
GMLC Node Response <gmlc> gmlcResponseType
AS Node Response <as> asResponseType
SCEF Node Response <scef> scefResponseType
PFDF Node Response <pfdf> pfdfResponseType
SMF Response <smf> smfResponseType
AMF Node Response <amf> amfResponseType
AUSF Node Response <ausf> ausfResponseType
PCF Node Response <pcf> pcfResponseType
CHF Node Response <chf> chfResponseType
LMF Node Response <lmf> lmfResponseType
SMSF Node Response <smsf> smsfResponseType
NSSF Node Response <nssf> nssfResponseType
UDR Node Response <udr> udrResponseType
CBCF Node Response <cbcf> cbcfResponseType
NEF Node Response <nef> nefResponseType
NWDAF Node Response <nwdaf> nwdafResponseType
AF Node Response <af> afResponseType
UCMF Node Response <ucmf> ucmfResponseType
Binding Support Function Node Response <bsf> bsfResponseType
Security Edge Protection Proxy Function Node Response <sepp> seppResponseType
PKI MGMT NODE Response <pkiMgmtNode> pkiMgmtNodeResponseType