Configuring dsTest...
dsTest Management Ports - ports used by dsTest and the requirements for your network
Working with XML Documents - general information on the dsTest XML schema and validating XML documents
Working with JSON Configurations - how to convert dsTest XML to JSON
Defining Subscribers - an overview of the Subscriber Database and its major components
Importing Subscriber Data - how to provision subscriber data using a CSV file
Replacing Subscribers - how to replace a subscriber group during a test
Working with MCCs and MNCs - how dsTest determines MNC length and how to modify that behavior
Conformance Testing - how to use protocol dictionaries and message templates to validate incoming messages
Configuring VLANs - how to configure and use a VLAN interface
Optimizing Memory Utilization - how dsTest uses memory and how to optimize your test configuration's memory footprint
Estimating TPS - an explanation of TPS licensing and how to estimate the TPS required for your test
Making Your Tests Portable - how to use aliases instead of hard-coding IP addresses
Making Your Tests Scalable - how to use variables and dynamic timing