Issuing Run-Time Commands

After you have loaded an XML document on the server from a Workspace, the Workspace switches to running mode and you can then issue any of the Run-Time Commands you saved with the Workspace or create and issue new commands on the fly. Refer to Creating a Document for more information about configuring and transmitting a document. Refer to Working with the Command Wizard for more information about creating commands.

In the example shown, stop commands have been configured for the two nodes, an OCS Node and a PCRF Node, configured in the Workspace. Either command can be issued at any time by clicking the  icon.

Responses from dsTest are displayed in the Server Responses pane, located below the Run-Time Commands pane. The following conventions are used in the response pane.

Sending <command name> command... is printed when your command is sent to dsTest.

Command accepted is printed when a positive response containing no further information is received; otherwise the information received is printed.

Run-Time Command transaction failed! Error: <error response> is printed when dsTest responds with an error indication.

Run-time action commands will display a stop button when the action is running/active. Clicking the stop button sends the action command with a rate of 0, effectively stopping the action. When the workspace transitions to the running state, due to either transmitting the configuration or clicking the Test is Active button, it issues a nodes status command and parses the response to determine which, if any, action commands are running. Node and action names are used to identify action commands. The Nodes Status button may be used to synchronize the state of action commands that were started or stopped from a different platform.


Command Shortcuts

The Run-Time Command panel also includes shortcut command buttons for your convenience:

SmartMonitor - Start SmartMonitor for the SmartEvents state machine (if configured).

Start Nodes - Start the nodes that have been created when this workspace configuration was successfully transmitted.

Stop Nodes - Stop the nodes defined in this workspace.

Delete Nodes - Delete the nodes defined in this workspace

Nodes Status - Show the current status of the nodes defined in this workspace.

Responses from dsTest that are the results of clicking the Start/Stop/Delete shortcut buttons are displayed in the Server Responses pane, located below the Run-Time Commands pane.

The SmartMonitor button is enabled when the test is running and the workspace configuration contains at least one SmartEvents state machine. When only one state machine is present clicking the SmartMonitor button opens the state machine and displays the SmartMonitor dialog. When more than one state machine is present clicking the SmartMonitor button displays a pop-up menu that lists the available SmartEvents configurations and the state machine is opened when selected from the menu.

Clicking the Nodes Status button displays a graphical node status panel similar to that displayed in the server status and operations screens but without the controls. Clicking on an individual node will display any action details that is currently active on that node.