Upgrading the Software

Log in to our secure download area, using the user name and password supplied by our Support Team: https://references.mobileum.com/loads/ 

If you are upgrading from one major or minor version to another (e.g., from v6.1 to v6.2) you will need to install a new license. Refer to Licensing for instructions on obtaining and installing a license.

Click on the desired software package depending upon your Linux distribution and platform, or as instructed by Support:

RHEL: devsol-dsTest_<release>.<build date>-1.x86_64.rpm

Ubuntu (64-bit): devsol-dsTest_<release>.<build date>_amd64.deb

The selected package will be downloaded. Follow the instructions below to upgrade dsTest.

Whenever you upgrade dsTest you should also look for updates to the following packages and install the latest version-compatible releases:

License server - if you're operating a local license server you should upgrade it when you upgrade dsTest. This software typically doesn't contain changes in every build, but if you make it a habit to keep dsTest and your license server on the same build you will avoid any compatibility issues and will also pick up enhancements and fixes for issues you may encounter otherwise.

dsFilter - devsol-dsFilter_<release>.<build date>_amd64.deb or devsol-dsFilterModule_<release>.<build date>-1.x86_64.rpm - required for Packet Capture and non-native, optimized sockets.

dsClient Desktop

If you use dsClient Terminal on a separate platform to drive automated testing, it must run the same version that is installed on your dsTest platforms.

If you use dsClient Desktop you can install dsTest packages from the Server Status and Operations screen.

If you have modified the mcc_list.csv file, refer to Working with MCCs and MNCs for more information about how that file is handled during an upgrade.

1. Log in to the dsTest server

Log in to the dsTest platform as devsol using SSH or a utility such as PuTTY.

2. Copy the upgrade

We recommend that you retain upgrade packages in a Loads directory within the devsol home directory (e.g. /home/devsol/Loads/). If you did not create such a directory during dsTest installation, please do so now.

Change to the directory that contains your dsTest packages and then copy the upgrade package to the /home/devsol/Loads/ directory.

3. Log in as root

dsTest must be installed with root privileges.

devsol@demo2:~$ su


4. Upgrade dsTest

Debian Installation

dpkg -i  <package name>.deb

RPM Installation

rpm -U <package name>.rpm

You will notice that the previous version is automatically replaced.




If you get the following message while installing an older version of dsTest:


"package devsol-dsTest-2.9.20140828-1.x86_64 (which is newer than devsol-dsTest-2.8.0-1.x86_64) is already installed";


Run the following command to complete the installation:


rpm -U --oldpackage <package name>.rpm


5. Exit root

demo2:/home/devsol# exit


6. Run the upgraded software

The upgrade process stops dsTest. Launch dsTest to restart the process and you will notice that the new version runs.