Working with the Command Wizard
The Commands tab in the Workspace window contains the definitions of the commands that are included in your XML document (Initial Commands) and commands that you can issue after your document has been loaded (Run-Time Commands). The Command Wizard window is used to configure individual command elements, and is displayed when you click the add () or edit () icon. Initial Commands can be created and modified prior to running your configuration but can only be viewed after you have done so. Run-Time Commands can be created and modified at any time but can only be issued while your Workspace is in running mode. This topic focuses on creating and modifying command definitions with the Command Wizard. Refer to About the Workspace Window for more information about the options available on the Commands tab. Refer to Issuing Commands for more information about executing Run-Time Commands.
About the Command Wizard Window
The window is divided into two sections: the available commands pane and the configuration pane. The commands pane displays the structure of the command element in a tree, in dsTest schema order, and you choose commands and the optional parameters associated with a command using checkboxes. The commands that are available in a Workspace depend on the types of node emulators that you included in your configuration - you will only see structures for common command elements (nodes, wait, and log) and for configured node emulators. The example shown to the right displays the commands available when a PCRF, SPR, MME and PCEF Node has been configured. The configuration pane displays only the attributes and parameters associated with the commands and options that you select in the command tree. Mandatory parameters are automatically added to the configuration pane when a parent element is selected.
Command Tree Conventions
As with other tree structures in the application, the command tree uses visual indicators to represent different types of elements and to track the status of selected elements.
Icons - several types of icons are used in the tree:
is used to identify parent elements
is used for child elements that can configure a value, query a value, or execute an action
represents child elements that query the configuration or status of a parent element, or the latest OMs of an application or interface
indicates that the element has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release
Usage - Selected elements are displayed using a bold font and color icons. The icons of elements that are not selected are gray.
Modifications - elements whose value or structure has been modified since the wizard was opened display an asterisk (*)
Validity - elements that have failed validation are displayed with red text
Modification and validity indications ripple upwards through the command structure, enabling you to more easily locate changes and child elements with invalid or missing values.
Items in the command tree will be updated to reflect modifications made in the configuration pane. For example, the top level command structure will be retitled to match the configured name of the command, and the Node Command level will be retitled to match the name of the node. In the example above, the command was configured in the configuration pane as "pcrf_action" and the name of the pcrf node was specified to be "pcrf_sy".
Configuring Commands
The appearance of parameter settings in the Command Wizard is slightly different than parameters in the Configuration tab. Since commands can be used to set or query parameter values, the and icons are used to set the mode for a parameter: query the current value or configure the value. When you select the query icon, the value portion of the parameter is disabled. Child elements whose presence will cause an action to be executed are represented with a icon.
One mandatory parameter appears at the top of every command: a Name attribute for the command itself. This attribute only appears in dsClient Desktop and is used to differentiate between commands on the Commands tab. The value you enter will be displayed in the applicable command table, and the command tree will be updated to reflect the name entered.
If you have configured multiple instances of an object that is referenced in a command, you must include the Name attribute in the appropriate command element and address the object by name. In this situation a wildcard (*) may be used to address all objects that start with a certain value. For example, the value "mme*" for node name would address all nodes having names that start with "mme". |
When you have finished configuring a new command, click the Create Command button to add the command to the table. If you are modifying an existing command, clicking Update Command commits your changes. In either case, you can click Cancel or close the window to discard your changes or to close the window if you were simply viewing a command configuration.
Move/copy Commands
You can perform full drag-n-drop in command tables. A simple drag moves a command to a different row in the same table or to a row in the other table. Pressing and holding Ctrl before initiating a drag performs a copy. If the copy is dropped in the same table , a "Copy of" prefix is added to the command name.
All of these actions can be performed on multiple commands but the selection of table rows and initiating a drag cannot be done with the same mouse press. The mouse must be released after selecting table rows before you can drag those rows.
Commands can be viewed by double-clicking the command line.
Converting Commands to XML or JSON
If you're building a RESTful automation test suite, you can use the To XML... button at the bottom of the screen to export the command as a complete XML document, and then use dsClient Terminal to convert them to JSON objects or complete request messages in Postman Collections. See Working with JSON Configurations for more information.