dsClient Applications
A client application must be used to control and interact with dsTest. We provide two client applications:
A command-line interface application - dsClient Terminal - that is bundled with dsTest and can run on your dsTest server or on any Linux platform with a compatible OS.
A standalone Java-based application - dsClient Desktop. Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms are supported. dsClient Desktop is designed to run on a laptop or desktop computer. It should not be installed on the same platform as dsTest as it can impact dsTest performance.
Neither dsClient application requires a license and both applications can be installed on multiple platforms.
Developing a Custom Client
The only requirement that a dsTest client must satisfy is to send messages, using properly formatted XML documents that contain configuration and/or command elements, to dsTest via a TCP connection. dsTest will respond to such requests with an XML document containing a response element. The format and contents of all messages, request and response, are governed by the dsTest schema. Refer to Using XML over TCP for a more thorough discussion of this option.
Test Automation
dsTest and both dsClient applications offer features to aid in test automation, including a RESTful API for dsTest. See Automated Testing Support for more information.